For over 30 years, physicians and other health care professionals statewide have donated their services to thousands of uninsured children through the Medical Services Project (MSP), a program of the Arizona Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AzAAP).
At little cost to their families, school-aged children receive health-related services including pediatric primary care and specialty referrals, prescription medication, diagnostic laboratory services and eyeglasses.
Based on referrals from school and public health nurses, MSP connects physicians to Arizona’s uninsured and underinsured children from low-income families which do not otherwise qualify for health care coverage. The children receive low-cost medical appointments with participating physicians who believe that access to care for children should not be restricted to only those who have health coverage. The doctors and nurses who participate in Medical Services Project give very generously of their time and talent to MSP.
Working to identify and disrupt factors contributing to inequitable health outcomes for children in Arizona and promoting further education on the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in the healthcare setting. To learn more about this important work, please contact
The members of our Obesity and Food Insecurity committee are dedicated to decreasing the number of food insecure children in Arizona while at the same time increasing access to quality, healthy food to increase the number of children demonstrating a healthy body weight. Find out more about joining or supporting our Obesity and Food Insecurity committee by contacting
2600 North Central Avenue Suite 1610, Phoenix, Arizona 85004, United States