Talking to parents about the risks of sleep suffocation and the use of safe sleep practices has been shown to reduce sleep-related deaths. Encourage parents to:
The materials in this toolkit can be used to help ensure that no other parent in Arizona
wakes up to a tragedy.
AzAAP provides free posters to providers, practices, and hospitals, to encourage parents to practice safe sleep and prevent sleep-related tragedies. Request printed posters from or download the digital version below.
Parent pledge forms encourage parents to make a commitment to using infant safe sleep practices. These pledge forms can be distributed at every well child visit to aid in the discussion about safe sleep.
A quick and easy take-home resource for parents to reinforce safe sleep practices. This checklist encourage parents to have their baby sleep alone, on their back, in a crib in their own separate sleep space.
For more information about AzAAP's Don't Wake Up to a Tragedy safe sleep campaign, or to order printed materials, please contact